3, rue Sainte-Beuve (6)
Tel: 01-45-49-10-40


For the most part Le Timbre is famous for its size – as in postage stamp. It is small, with an open kitchen the size of a closet. One (English) chef, a server and a dishwasher. Limited formula menu. Facing tables lined up against each wall. 26€ for lunch with a handful of supplements. A good meal and a nice time. That said, if not for the unusual space, it would probably be less talked about. Of course, it is always the package, and this is a nice one.

A 2014 ownership change. These bets off.


Several choices per course, all carefully prepped and brought to the table with surprising speed – although I have heard it is not always that way.


Efficient and friendly, including the chef who hands it over when ready.


A good meal for a reasonable cost.

(1x) (2010)